Wednesday, March 11, 2009

*singing* 'Stuck in the middle with yoouuuu...'

I'm stuck in a weird place right now. It's somewhere btwn knowing that I'm one of the flyy-est women around, and still feeling like I'm not quite enough. I can't really explain it, so I'm not really going to try. I'm just going to jump to what's important...taking my mind off the gap. Now my top ways to make myself smile include shopping and drinking. However, I'm going to try to keep things PG and budget friendly. Here are a few that I'm going to try today. Check out the rest of the options here.

- Plan Some Fun. Get out your calendar. Next do a search for things to do in your area. Local newspapers usually have a "What's Going On" section. Pick out your favorite 5 or 10 things. And remember the things you choose don't have to be big events. It can be as simple as taking a long drive in the country or going for a walk on the beach. Write them into your calendar. Invite someone to join you on some. For others go and meet some new people.

- Let Music Take You Higher. Turn on your favorite music and sing! Pull down the shades and dance. Rent a video on belly dancing. If you're in your car, you can still move a little to the music. Go for it! What do you care what other people think? Have fun with it! Sing, dance, play an instrument. Practice your favorite song and then go to karaoke and let the world hear your talent!

- Personal Spa and Relaxation Day. Include as many of these ideas as you like or have time for. Get a massage, pedicure, and haircut. Take a bubble bath with candles, music and champagne. Give yourself an egg-white or mud mask facial. Line up 2-3 movies to watch in bed while eating your favorite delights: ice cream, chocolate, whip cream, jello, popcorn, finger food hors d'oeuvre, and more. What else would you include to pamper yourself?

- Reach Out. Connect with friends and family. When was the last time you wrote and mailed an actual letter? Why not do it today? Or how about making some home made post cards with materials you have lying around the house. Cutout some pictures from magazines or from your photo collection and make a mini collage. Maybe just call one old friend from college or high school that you haven't talked to in forever. Or maybe you could visit a neighbor who might need some cheering up too! Bring some cookies!

1 comment:

T said...

Plan Some Fun. *Check!
Let Music Take You Higher. *I never leave the house without my iPod now. It really brightens my outlook. :)
Personal Spa and Relaxation Day. That would be today. I'm getting a free massage later (after running millions of errands of course)
Reach Out. Check!

Fab list, I'll continue to keep these things in mind.

Hope you put that positive note we talked about somewhere you can see it often, it's so true! :)