Thursday, October 01, 2009

Get your total-body workout on!

I workout...a lot. But I can't yet say that it is something that I really 'enjoy' doing. I mean, I certainly feel a sense of accomplishment once I'm done, and I like to be physically fit. However, I have never found a workout where I'm not counting down the minutes until it's over. So given the opportunity to get twice the bang for my buck, I'm all over it. This is where the total-body moves come in. Why not combine exercises that allow you to kill more than one bird w/just one dumbbell? LOL! Check out some of these moves, and try to incorporate them into your next routine.

For Men


b.goody said...

Ooh some of those look serious. What I'm really waiting on, is the post that shows me how to workout my entire body while sitting on the couch watching tv. Keep me posted!

identitycrisis said...

I do a lot of those with my trainer. I'm glad to see someone else recommends them. I love the whole more bang for your buck thing but I hate when I say "Let's do arms/upperbody today" and I wake up with sore legs the next morning.

@b. I'm sure there's a way to do that if you are actually willing to move your body.

ThummyB said...

LOL! B...ur hilarious. I think that you can only accomplish that if you starve yourself.

@Identity...yesss! Sometimes I hurt in places that I didn't even know contained muscle.