Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Quick Update:

So I went to the gym last night...30 mins on something called a 'tread climber' (Learn more here -, and 30 mins of upper body weights and crunches. Anyway, as promised I hopped on the scale when I got finished....182lbs :-( Now this is up 2 pounds from where I felt that I ended out the year. For pride's sake I'm going to note my increased muscle mass from my weight training, pilates, and yoga as well as the new scale that I was using. However, for the sake of meeting my goal of 175lbs by next week, I am going to focus harder on getting the the gym most days of the week as well as closely monitoring my eating. I'm going to have to be sure to avoid all 'cheats' over the coming weeks. As always, it'll be a challenge, but I will give it my best!


Anonymous said...


In your previous post on Monday, 1/22, you said, "If I am serious about being at my 175lb goal weight by the middle/end of February...".

And on Wednesday 1/24 here you say, "...for the sake of meeting my goal of 175lbs by next week".

So which is it?

ThummyB said...

Oops! I meant next month. My bad!