Friday, April 10, 2009

Do you ever feel like the sky is the limit? That's how I'm feeling right now. I don't know why, but lately I've been feeling so light and worry free. It just feels like only great things are on the horizon. Doesn't that sound awesome!?!?
Of course, I'm all about helping you reach your full potential as well, so here are a couple of tips and 'pick me ups' for this beautiful Friday morning! I hope that they lift your heart and leave you excited about yourself and your life (**No...I haven't been drinking the kool-aid**).
#1. Plan some time off. Time spent w/family can be surprisingly fulfilling...not to mention cheap (free room and board), but if you're looking to get away w/friends or alone, then here are some other options: LINK
#2. Have a laugh. I don't know about you, but a good laugh works every time! Enjoy. LINK
#3. Shake your booty! Nothing like a good club joint to get things it! LINK
#4. This one actually goes in two different directions...depending on how you get down. In order to get the full effect, then you might want to visualize your conscience as a little angle on one shoulder and a little devil on the other shoulder. You be the judge.
- Little Angel: Go to church. Read your Bible. Get your praise and worship on! There's no dispute that belief in a higher power will brighten your outlook.
- Little Devil: Get freaky w/your significant other. Treat yourself to some erotica and 'alone time'. Make a booty call. A good release of endorphins will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.
On that note...I'm off for a great weekend! TTYL!

1 comment:

T said...

You definitely are a big ray of sunshine right now. Good job on not letting outside things or people affect what you already decided, which is to be happy.

I'm very proud of you!

(And I'm also in a funky mood today...)