Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Whew...I logged on knowing exactly what I wanted to talk about...and then someone hit me with one of those 'Makes You Think' quotes. Now I don't know in which direction I want to go, but I'm going to try to cover both.

So here is the quote (which I LOVE): "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Every time that I hear something like this, then I feel as though I've just heard something profound. The funny thing is that this is essentially how I've been trying to live my life, matter how hard you try, it's just easier said than done. Hence, when I read a quote like this, then it helps me to re-focus on who I really want to be, and it makes me happy and optimistic (not just for the future, but for the right now!).

The thing's hard as hell to dance in the rain, and I don't think that there is anything wrong with admitting to yourself that 'Damn, my shoes are now soaked, the outdoor bar-b-que is a flop, and freshly washed car has to be re-done.' However you just can't get STUCK in that place. You have to be able to admit those things, assess what's left of your situation and then move on. You might just find that 'Hey, now I have the perfect excuse to curl up on the couch with a book or that 24 hr Twilight Zone marathon (yep, your girl LOVES it), I can rock my new rain boots (which are totally in style), or I can try out that new recipe that I picked up (instead of going out for lunch). For most of us, life really isn't so bad. Rather than always looking for a better time, and letting life pass me by (during the rough times). I'd prefer to enjoy what's good about everyday, even if everyday isn't perfect.

Actually...I think that's enough for today. I'll pop back later in the week with my thoughts on being your 'authentic self'!

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