Thursday, April 10, 2008

My name is ThummyB, and I'm a food addict.

No seriously...I am. If it's in the house then I MUST eat it. I cannot express how much food I have eaten over the last 2 weeks. It is really scary. Basically, I cannot have crap in the house, and if I'm going to be around crap, then I need back-up healthy food to eat instead. I snack ALL THE TIME, even when I'm not hungry.

I'll be on vacation next week, so that's pretty much a wrap. My plan is pretty much to clear out my kitchen and re-stock w/good stuff. I need good stuff to snack on at home as well as at work. I may not be able to stop the snacking, but I can at least make sure that it's the right stuff.

1 comment:

T said...

Oh yeah, we're all addicted to food. How could you not be with all the advertising and even good healthy magazines have you trippin'.

I was reading shape and they were talking about how to eat potatoes better and it just made me hungry for some fries. LOL!

But yeah, we gotta work on keeping the good stuff in the house, 100 calorie popcorn bags, lowfat yogurt, fresh fruit and my FAVORITE healthy trail mix!