Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ok, so I am seriously one scatter brained young lady. However, I'm ok w/that...I think it makes me quirky-cute.

Well continuing in my scatter brained tradition...I am planning to buy a used/inexpensive set of golf clubs. I have two golf outings coming up this fall, and they both require you to bring your own clubs. The cost to rent clubs on a few separate occasions is quickly adding up to the cost to just purchase an inexpensive set. Plus, whether I like it or not, golf is THEE number one corporate bonding activity...ok right after drinking. So this evening I'm going to stop by Play It Again sports where they sell new and used sporting equipment for the cheap.

But wait...I don't know how to play golf. I took about 8 weeks worth of classes back in college, but I haven't been out on the course since then. Being the savy person that I am, I searched around on the internet and found semi-private golf lessons in my city. They offer a package of 5 sessions for $190 for groups of 4 ppl. I'm going to give a call this weekend to see if I need to find 3 other ppl interested, or if they can just add me to a group of 3 other individuals. Either way...hopefully I'll be a golf pro (or at least able to hit the ball) in no time!


T said...

This is awesome. I know a couple of women that like to golf. It seems like fun and it's more fodder to talk to the fellas about.

Best wishes with the classes. I've always wanted to get into golf, but my schedule (and lack of a car) doesn't allow for that right now. Maybe I'll make that a goal for 30. i.e. when I turn 30, I'll start playing golf. We shall see.

As a completely scatter-brained person, I don't see how wanting to golf and taking lessons makes you scatterbrained. What'd I miss?

ThummyB said...

LOL! If you decide to get up on it, then let me know. We can take lessons together.

I only called myself scatterbrained b/c I feel like I pick up a new hobby everyday. This is only becoming more apparent to me as I look around my house at me ever growing collection of sports and exercise equipment.

T said...

LOL! Well, at least you generally know where you keys are.

ThummyB said...

Girl...damn the about missing mail.

I was supposed to mail a receipt to my dad. I remember having it in my hand when I left the house, but I have NO recollection of placing it in the mailbox. I can't find the letter, so I'm hoping that it arrives in the mail sometime this weekend. Otherwise, I'm afraid that my vague memory of tossing something in the trash may represent the fate of that poor receipt.

T said...

That's hilarious. Perfect way to end my [work] day.