Monday, May 11, 2009

*singing* 'Summer, Summer, Summertime....Oooh Summertiiiimmme!'

That's right folks, Summer is HERE. Well if you leave in the north, then it's not, but you should be getting days that are consistently 70 degrees or higher. Not too bad. Certainly good enough to get outdoors and get fit.

Last time that I posted, I mentioned that I did plenty of walking in France. Well not only did I do lots of walking, but I actually did a bit of hiking. Although hiking isn't a part of my normal routine (surprise...Chicago just doesn't have many hills), I actually have had the pleasure of enjoying it on a couple of occasions. While on vacation in Puerto Rico I hiked through El Yunque rain forest, and I've hiked up Stone Mountain (in Georgia) a couple of times. Now I've added Mont Sainte Victorie (the beginners hill) in Southern France to my repertoire.

Although this work out can be challenging and at some times perilous, it was absolutely rewarding. The view from the top is amazing, and you have just a feeling of accomplishment. In the case of my trip to Puerto Rico, I discovered a hidden water fall as the treasure/reward for my efforts. Absolutely beautiful.

If you're thinking of giving this sport a try, then I definitely recommend doing a bit of research first. You can prepare and condition your body to make your journey that much more pleasant. Here's an article to get you started.

Now, if you don't live anywhere near a hill...much less a mountain, but you still want to enjoy this beautiful season, then here are some other alternatives. Enjoy!


In-Line Skating


Ultimate Frisbee

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