Tuesday, May 26, 2009

'...annnnnd We're Back!'

Welcome back to work, school, or whatever commitments you got a quick break from this weekend. If you're like me, then you probably need another day off just to recover from the Memorial Day festivities. I don't know how it happened, but I partied (or at least drank) from Wed - Sun w/no days off. I didn't mean for it to go down like that (or maybe I did), but I am certainly now realizing that I am old as hell and need to go sat down somewhere! Between the alcohol, bar-b-que, and lack of sleep, my poor body is wondering if I really love myself like I say that I do.

I definitely need to take some time to detoxify my system and rejuvenate my body. The good news is that this is almost just as easily said as done! Here are some quick tips to get your body back on the right track!

1. Drink lots of water! This will help to re-hydrate you after consuming so much liquor.

2. Clean up the house! Now I actually cleaned over the weekend, but most ppl fall off of the 'home maintenance wagon' while on vacation and find their home looking like a hurricane hit it. Trust me, you feel soooo much better when you're living in a clutter free zone, so take the time to pick up a bit.

3. Exercise today! I know that it's common to also fall off of the diet and exercise wagon, which leaves you feeling lazy and dare I say, fat! Even though 4 days probably hasn't done as much damage to your goals as you may feel, hopping right back on the plan will leave you feeling encouraged and motivated. Don't delay! Get to the gym before the day is out and move forward as though you never missed a beat.

4. Eat lots of fruits and veggies! Your body needs these foods to flush out all of the bar-b-que chicken and baked beans. The nutrients included in foods like apples, oranges, broccoli, and asparagus will boost your energy and nourish your body! Try steaming or sauteing your veggies to avoid cooking out the essential vitamins.

5. Catch up on your sleep! Typically it's tough for me to get enough sleep the 1st day back from vacation b/c my body has adjusted to not having much sleep. However, I try to carve out time over the next few days to get into bed early and recapture my rest. If you can't get rested, then all of your other efforts will be wasted b/c you won't even be able to muster up the energy or desire to see them through.

Hope these tips help! Have a great day!


T said...

I cleaned up Monday night. It took like and hour and a half, but it was so worth it to make me feel better. I need to drink more water and I did see my boo, the gym, twice over the long weekend. I've been sleeping like a baby, so I'm good on that one too.

Fab tips!

Plus you had me singing John Legend talkin' YOU DON'T LOVE ME LIKE YOU SAY YOU DO (Satisfaction on the Evolver album... hotness)

T said...

P.S. fresh fruits and veggies need to be added to my routine to get over this sluggish feeling. The multivitamin helps, but it's so big and disgusting. LOL!