Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weigh in #2. Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnnn!

Well after another 2 weeks have passed, it has again come time to weigh myself. Now my last weigh in was slightly disappointing. I had lost weight (2lbs). However, since I felt that I had really committed to eating better and exercising, I guess I was expecting something more drastic. Needless to say, I was not excited about this week's trip to the scale. However, after 2 more weeks of consistently good food choices and nearly daily work outs, I found myself down 3 more pounds. The scale slid into the 180's at 187lbs. That means with one week left to go in my 10lb challenge, I have lost 5lbs. Not bad!

Also, to just take a look back at my progress since I began this blog just over 2 months ago, I have lost 13lbs. Now this number may not wow you right now. However if we blow it out over 2 more months (26lbs in 4 months), then it seems very reasonable. My conscience will be back next week, and hopefully he will continue to be my diet and exercise champion. I plan to keep up the good work and be at my goal weight by Christmas!

Now lets talk about that 'other' part of my challenge. The 3 home cooked meals. Well I have successfully created two meals that I feel very good about. The stir fry shrimp and baked chicken tereyaki were pretty good. That leaves me just one meal short. This week I'll have to put my mind to it and come up with one more tasty treat. I am thinking of a grilled (more like sauteed) or baked chicken salad. I have some fresh chicken strips, so tomorrow I think that I'll cook those up and throw them over a bed of fresh lettuce. Add in a little cheese, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and fat free ranch, and I believe that it will be a hit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

13 pounds!?!? That is so excellent. YAY YOU!

P.S. My office door is closed, so I just threw up a big cheerleader Y for YAY and YOU. You would have LOVED it!