Friday, October 27, 2006 has been a whole week since I posted. Sorry guys, I dropped the ball. I guess that not too much has really happened since last week. I've continued to eat well, although I can definitely see a few areas where I'm slipping. I am still making good choices, but not always the best choice. For instance, I might have Baked Lays Doritos (170 calories and 5 grams of fat) instead of Baked Lays Plain (105 calories and 1.5 grams of fat). Its minor, but I just want to be aware of it, so that these things don't add up on me. I haven't been so great with the exercising this week. I worked out Monday and Tuesday, but then I took Wednesday off and got my hair done on Thursday. I need to at least get in some crunches and lunges or walking this evening, and I need to get in full work outs this weekend.

I also have the task of contacting 24 Hour Fitness, which has failed to contact me regarding my personal training sessions. I really hate when I have to follow up with a business about why they didn't follow up with me. However, its more important not to waist the money, so... I'll give them a call today.

Health-wise that's really all that has been going on. Sorry it isn't more exciting. Maybe I'll hit up a book store this weekend and see about some workout tapes. I can't always make it out to the gym, so these might be a fun alternative. Let me know if you have any recomendations. Cheers!

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