Monday, November 03, 2008

I'm sooooo happy right now! I don't know if it's election eve, the warmth of having my dad in town, this vitamin that I just chased with a glass of wine, the powerful Woman's Day sermon that I just heard, or the on-set of that special time of the month, but I am just so positive and enthusiastic for what lay ahead. I wish that I could inspire all of you with the hope and strength that I feel right now. Life is all about your state of mind. Are you going to let the hard times weigh and knock you down? Or will you press on with grace, dignity, faith, and a spirit of expectation of something better? I think that I will aim for the latter.


T said...

YAY! I'm happy too. Yesterday I was anxious and nervous. I'm not gonna lie to you, I was afraid to go to sleep, cause I was like what if I die and then I can't vote tomorrow.

But I woke up and I voted. Amen and Thank God!!!

ThummyB said...

AHAHAHAHA! I love that you want Barack Obama elected more than you want to live. Very nice.

And I am sooo sooo sooo nervous today as well. Whew, let's get these votes in!

Kismet Nuñez said...

Whew! Get em girl. Get em.