Thursday, January 22, 2009

Couches, Dressers, and Beds...Oh My!

So if you know me, then you know that I don't really like bargain/discount shopping. The crowds and the disarray of it all are just overwhelming, so I limit myself to either accompanying friends on their expeditions or shopping for myself no more than a few times per year. However, the desire to begin working on one of my goals led me to Darvin Furniture's Warehouse Sale. Good God Almighty, it was insane!

I knew it was going to be...interesting when I pulled into the lot and had to drive clear to the back to find a park. I get into the store, and it's A. freakin' huge and B. not in a clear 'grid layout'. It is a massive space with lots of diagonal aisles and off-shoot rooms, so I spent a lot of time wandering around trying to find the piece of furniture that I spotted an hour ago to re-assess if I want to move forward with the purchase. (Let me also note that I stayed as far away from the clearance section as possible. Pieces of furniture in every which direction, final sales and no assembly included. Absolutely Not!)

Soooo...After at least two hours of wandering I end up with a list of 3 diff sofas (that may or may not convert into sofabeds), two ottomans, and one bed that I like. Not too bad...except now I have to A. find the sales lady who greeted me when I first walked in b/c (as she whispered to me) they work on commission, and B. find all of these pieces again to discuss options with her. Yeah, no such luck on finding the ottomans again. Who knows where they disappeared to. It took a while to find the bed, but we did annnnnnd IT'S A PURCHASE! Now the couches were easier to find BUT, two of them don't convert into sofabeds, and I don't LOVE the third that does.

So now I'm in a conundrum b/c I am realizing that I probably will have to choose a sofa that doesn't convert. Well, that's ok, except that there are hundreds of sofas that I liked, but didn't consider b/c I knew they would never work as a sofa bed. Now you can imagine that I have walked a couple of miles in this damn store wearing a winter coat, scarf and sweater surrounded by hundreds of ppl in a Christmas morning-like frenzy. I CANNOT do another pass through this store. I opt to call it a day w/my bed and mattress (which surprisingly costs more than the bed) and walk out of the store w/a smile.

Now, this shopping story is far from over. This bed is bigger, so I have new bedding to purchase within the next two weeks (big fun)! Plus, I didn't like or buy the dresser or bedside table that came w/the bed, so those will need to be replaced to in-time complete the set. Annnnd of course, I still need a couch and ottoman. It's almost a bit overwhelming, but we shall persevere.


T said...

YAY for new purchases and LMAO at you bargain shopping alone with winter gear on for an extended amount of time.

Oh to be a fly on the wall laughing at you.

b.goody said...

Geez, furniture shopping is so stressful. I'm glad you found something worth getting. Last time I was bargain shopping, I ran into neon green italian leather. Here's hoping you had a much better selection :)

ThummyB said...

:-) you all should have seen me when the saleslady took me to pick out a mattress. I was just lying there, tired, staring up at her. It was something like this.

Her: " you like this one?

Me: Uh huh.

Her: Do you want to try another?

Me: Uh huh. *haven't moved an inch*

Her: *confused expression*