Sunday, January 04, 2009

This year I think that I am going to re-focus my attention on diet. I have done well with exercising on a regular basis. However, maintaining a healthy diet has really been a challenge for me. It is just soooo easy to make an 'allowance' here or there, and before you know're eating foods that are un-healthy or simply high in fat and calories ALL THE TIME. It's a difficult tightrope to walk. Yet it is one that we must all master, if we are truly going to see CHANGE in our personal lives.

One of the most difficult issues for all of us is 'special occasions'. I do really well with maintaining my diet when I'm all alone, but I feel as though I must make an exception for all the little events that pop up. You know...a wedding, a baby shower, a holiday, an anniversary. These are all events that focus on food, and you want to enjoy the special day, right?

Well check out this article from, which has a number of great tips for celebrating life with out sinking your weight loss/management plan. Hopefully these tips will help you to enjoy the new year while keeping your resolutions!


Anonymous said...

I hear you on this one! I just started a raw food diet on Saturday, and am trying to last for two weeks! When it's all said and done, I'm definitely hoping to be much healthy and have a different perspective on healthy eating (i.e., no more steak and fries at 4a or wings 2x/week)!

Good luck!


T said...

The fab thing about fruits and veggies is that they have virtually no calories. Why can't I remember this? I killed a plate of veggies yesterday and was just as full as I would have been with a burger and fries and much more energetic.

Keep the good info coming. I always need a pat on the back (or swift kick in the rear) to keep it together.

ThummyB said...

YAY for my fellow veggie eaters. I drove to work today (thank God for escaping the bus), so that I can grocery shop this evening. I am planning to load up on the fresh items AND start cooking again (that's for a blog later in the week).