Sunday, December 28, 2008

Are you working out over the break?

Well, one week into vacation, I was able to manage 3 workouts. I got in a yoga session on Monday, 30 mins of weights on Friday, and finally a Biggest Loser workout video on Saturday. Of course, a min of 4 workouts is always my goal, but given that I really wanted to just chill and watch tv with the family, I feel really good about what I did get in. As a matter of fact, it has been soooo long since I have done old school weight lifting, that I am sore like whoa. It's easy to see which parts of my body are worked most vigorously when I am swimming and doing yoga (mostly my arms and upper body) as these parts aren't sore at all. BUT my legs are screaming... I'm talking about having to fall backwards into the chair b/c I can no longer easily lower myself into the seat. LOL!

Anyway, I hope that you all are staying on top of your routines. I know it isn't easy, but just think about how good you will feel about yourself afterwards. I'm off to the Falcon's game, but I hear there is a half mile walk involved. It doesn't count towards my workout total, but it certainly helps ;-)


T said...

Yay for football!

You are going to be so proud of me. I've worked out every day of the vacation except Christmas! I'm going to keep it going because I have no excuses because I don't really have anything to do.

Hopefully this spirit will carry into the new year when I start working.

ThummyB said...

YAY! Good job. I think my goal is to not have to do any special dieting or exercise before vacation this year. I just want to be able to pack my bags and go!