Sunday, December 28, 2008

Seal the Deal!

This morning my minister spoke about the year 2009 and how it will be a year to 'Seal the Deal'. This should be a year where everyone stops discussing what they want to do, and gets busy doing it. Well, ideally this should be our approach to every year, right? So what's stopping us? Is it fear? Is is procrastination? Probably, however, I think that many people just don't know where to begin.

A week or so ago, I listed my goals. However, I didn't think about how important it is to make sure that those goals are measurable and attainable. For instance, you cannot just have a goal 'To Lose Weight' b/c that doesn't really translate into actions. Here is a much better goal... 'To work out 5 times per week and eat a low cal/low fat diet.' When you're writing out your '09 goals, make sure that they are specific and realistic. This will motivate you to take action on your goals and leave you feeling successful and proud at the end of the year.

In order to demonstrate this, I have re-vamped my goals below. I am confident that my 2009 recap will be one of satisfaction and celebration.

Get promoted to manager
- Complete engagement objectives within budget and with less than one round of review notes. Identify at least one new business opportunity on every engagement.
Select and get trained in a speciality - Listen to all advisory web-casts. Meet with leader of selected service offering, and complete available training.
Become a key member of a practice process team - This one is pretty simple
Grow relationships with at least 2 partners and 3 snr managers - Meet one on one with each at least twice during the year
Identify 5 staff or seniors to mentor and develop - Meet one on one with each at least twice during the year. Look for ways to provide feedback and assistance throughout the course of the engagement.
Establish the affinity group as a valuable and key group within the office - Hold at least 3 office-wide events in 1st 6 months of the year. Establish group goals and a detailed plan to achieve them.
Deepen my level of communication with God - Schedule time for prayer (daily) and Bible reading (weekly), and attend service at least twice a month.
Return to and maintain my 'happy weight' - Work out a min of 4 times a week. Eat 1400-1600 calories/day. Cut out unnecessary snacking. Develop a plan to transition from weight-loss to maintenance phase.
Become a more patient and gracious person - Remember to be slow to anger, give others the benefit of the doubt, and look for the good in the situation
Take at least one trip/vacation that is NOT to Atlanta - Pretty simple
Talk to my sister monthly - Pretty simple
Visit my cousins in Dallas - Pretty simple
Increase my savings by $8400 - Put away $700/month and do not allow expenses to exceed remaining disposable income
Complete one home remodel project (either updated appliances or furniture) - Pretty simple
Do something about a relationship (that one's kinda undefined) - Still undefined
Be happy for the majority of the year - This one is kinda complex, but I believe that if I achieve the goals stated above, then this one will be accomplished.

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