Monday, December 01, 2008

**Singing** "Welcome baaack...welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaack!"

We're back home and back at work with one winter holiday down and one more to go. I hope that everyone had a great vacation last week and spent some quality time with those that you love. You all know that I am always on my 'life is short' kick, so I hope that everyone is taking the time to celebrate and enjoy the ppl who truly matter in our lives.

I had a wonderful time with the family. I have a renewed commitment to bond with my sister (I love her, but we've been communicating only on major holidays. I'd like to do a better job of keeping in touch.), and I really enjoyed spending time with the parents. At the same time...there is a small sense of sadness that's lingering, but I'm determined to focus solely on the blessings that are all around me, as well as my hope and faith that the best is yet to come.

On a health and exercise plan to lose a few pounds by the holidays has been a total flop. I haven't been eating right (I find it hard to say 'No' to the many lunch and dinner invites that have been coming over the last month or so. I mean for someone who values friends and family so much, I hate to miss an opportunity to create a new memory or say goodbye to an old friend/co-worker). On top of workout routine is most likely a bit stale. Swimming twice a week and yoga twice a week has gotten me comfortably seated on a this has been my routine for the last year. Unfortunately, I genuinely enjoy these exercises, and they work for me. Any suggestions? If you know me, then you know that sweating is kind of a no-no. That makes it kinda hard to find a good workout routine (hence the swimming and yoga). Maybe I need to get back into Pilate's, simple weight lifting, or walking on an incline at a comfortable pace. Are there any new workouts that I'm missing? Maybe some sort of a dance class.

Until then, I'm back on my 5:30 wake up plan. Since I'm not driving to the burbs anymore, then I have to get up a bit earlier than swim, come home and dress, and then hop on the bus and head to work. I guess I'm really getting up at the same time, but instead of spending an hour driving...I am now spending 30 mins getting dressed and 30 mins on the bus. It's not such a bad deal, so I won't complain about it. Also, I'm simply going to have to eat right. I know how to do it...but I'm so easily tempted. I was trying to find a balance btwn eating on a diet and eating nothing but junk. However, seeing as how I tend to snack just a bit (ok...maybe more than a bit) even while on a diet, then maybe that needs to be my goal. You know...reach for the moon and land among the stars (or reach for the stars and land on the moon, maybe).

Anyway, that is all for now. I hope everyone is well, and I'll be back with some more healthy living tips this week!


T said...

I've been going to a hip hop/funk class at LVAC and it's so much fun. It's tiring and sweaty, but I get so focused on the eight counts that I don't even notice how much work I'm doing. It's like dancing at the club without having to get dressed up.

Big fun!!!

ThummyB said...

Hmmm...LA Fitness has a 'Latin Impact' class and a 'Belly dancing' class, so maybe I will try one of those.

T said...

Oh yeah, the best part is even though I'm no Alvin Ailey dancer, the people in the class are REALLY bad, so I feel like a rock star in there.

Belly Dancing sounds like big fun. You got me hyped to go to the gym later. YAY!