Friday, December 26, 2008

Soooo...I have an older sister. Most ppl think that I'm an only child b/c she's 8 year's older than me and lived with her mom (instead of with our dad and me). However, I most certainly do have a partner in crime.

Now over the years our relationship has been...interesting. We have always loved one another (no doubt about that). It's just that we're totally different. She's a tomboy, while I'm a princess. Plus, with an 8 yr age much can an 8 and 16 yr old really have to talk about? However, since I've been out of college, I feel that our relationship has turned a corner. We've had more similar interests and a greater desire to hang out together. Things haven't been perfect, but they have been more natural than in years past.

This holiday season things really felt 'right' with us. I don't even know a better way to describe it...but its as if there was no awkwardness or unease. We laughed and had fun, and have been talking to one another outside of the holidays as well. I feel encouraged for the future. We have common goals, and I'm really hoping that we can support one another in achieving them. I am committed to speaking to her on at least a monthly basis, and I can't imagine a family time/event without her. I am confident that 2009 is going to be a great year for us, and I am really excited for what lies ahead.

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