Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ok, ok, ok...I know that I said that I was gonna weigh in, and I fully intended to when I went to work out this weekend. The problem is that I didn't work out this weekend. I used sickness as an excuse, but that was only part of the problem. The other part, is just that I simply didn't plan my exercise time. I assumed that I'd have downtime in my weekend, and then I'd just use that time to work out. However, if you make a habit of scheduling your workout after everything else in your day, then it will quickly get overlooked. Your schedule gets booked, and pretty soon you're just aiming to double up the next day. So no work out Fri - Sun. I did work out yesterday, but I didn't use the gym b/c all the machines were taken. Instead I did my strength training exercises upstairs. Today, available machines or not, I will get on the scale.

The good news is that I did continue my healthy eating. I stuck with the wise options and I avoided the snacks, which was particularly hard when a co-worker brought brownie's and blondie's to our team meeting. My conscience says that things will get easier as I become more and more adjusted to my new menu. I certainly hope so b/c right now I am definitely struggling. We'll see.

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