Thursday, August 17, 2006

Well folks, not much to report today.

This week I tried a new cardio activity...running. Now most who know me are aware that I'm not a runner. In fact I really have no desire to be a runner. However, it does burn calories, and it doesn't require me to get my hair wet (swimming), have a partner (tennis), or a facility/equipment (raquetball). Plus, since I find it torturous, then I'm oddly proud of myself for having endured it afterwards. My conscience (read: boyfriend) and I get out on the track to complete a 3 mile loop. I start out warning him that this is gonna be tough for me (I haven't run for exercise since early in my college career), and I'll probably need to stop about half way through. We start out by walking for a full mile. Then he points down to a mile marker on the ground and informs me that we're gonna run to the next one, a quarter of a mile down. We take off, and I am genuinely surprised at how difficult I am finding this. I can't get my breathing right. I instantly feel exhausted, and I am about as slow as a turtle. My conscience, the picture of perfect health - probably less that 5% body fat, is cruising along and getting increasingly farther ahead of me. So feeling like crap about myself I decide to stop about half way there and walk. Of course this only makes me feel even more crappy for giving up, which is then multiplied when my conscience looks back and gives me a look of mega yet genuine disappointment. So I catch up to him and explain my breathing trouble. He gives me some breathing techniques, but I'm pissed and he's pissed, and now we're just walking in silence. About another 1/2 miles down the road we decide to try it again...well really he give me a look that says "If you really want to prove yourself wrong and show that you can do this, then here's your chance. What are you gonna do?" I take off again, this time w/him running/walking behind me, and I find that I've got a better grasp on my breathing. I keep pushing myself, desparately searching for the next 1/4 mile marker until finally I reach it. YAY!!! We walk another quarter mile and he decides to run ahead to the car and back (about 3/4 mile). I successfully run the next quarter of a mile and walk the last 1/2 mile back to the car. Overall I have a loooooooooong way to go physically. I definitely have to get in better shape so that I'm faster and have more endurance. However, I still felt good about what I'd done, and I was pleased with completing the 3 miles no matter how I got there. I think I'll try it again this weekend.

As for weighing in, I did attempt to take my weight after my run. To my dismay, or maybe relief, there was no scale in the gym that I use. However, today I am going to a different gym where I believe that there are two scales. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have something to report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thumb, good for you that you completed 3 miles, no matter how you got there. Don't be discouraged or try to measure yourself against your conscience (boyfriend). Remember, as the picture of health, he does not face the same obstacles or issues that you do. If you compete with anything or anyone it should be yourself to do your personal best.

