Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Welcome All!

This year, like so many years before, I am turning over a new leaf . I have decided to make my weight and my health a priority and make a serious chenge in my lifestyle. Like most other Americans I've realized that I haven't had the healthiest habits over the last several years. I've been intending to exercise reguarly and eat better. Yet each year, I've been successful only at finding excuses not to work out and allowing myself the occassional (read: daily) indulgence in hamburgers, friend chicken wings, pizza, candy, bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches, ice cream and pretty much any other treat that my heart desired. Over the last two years I have seen myself tip the scales at 200lbs. Luckily I am a good 5'11' barefoot and do not look like what we'd consider to be a big (read: fat) girl. Nevertheless, I have little business at the beach in a bikini, and a size 14 (knocking on 16) is just that whether you're tall or short. Therefore, I've decided to keep this blog as sort of my conscience. Essentially, I am hoping that it will give me some accountability during this transiton; helping to keep me on the road of daily work outs and wise food choices. Wish me luck ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm really proud of you babe. keep up the good work. :)