Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm not happy today guys. I don't know what the problem is, either. I'm just feeling really hungry and tired and stressed and not happy. I'm trying not to think about how many more weeks of this torture I have left...but its really hard to take it one day at a time. Its much harder than normal weight loss b/c there are NO splurges allowed. I'm afraid that if I do splurge, then I'll lose my lead...PLUS I already see a potential splurge/slip up coming in the future. Sigh - I can't describe it. I'm just tired of being hungry and tired all the time.

Also I weighed in at the office today (mind you later in the day, so after I had been eating and drinking), and I came in at 171 lbs. WTF! To see that on top of everything...I wanted to cry. I am going to go home and weigh myself on my home scale to see if there is a difference btwn my home scale and the scale at work. *sigh* I guess I'll plan to start weighing in at work on a weekly basis just to get a baseline for where I really am in the big scheme of things. However, it just makes me so frustrated. I have been sooooo committed, and now I actually want to win (before I didn't care, and now I do). Ugh! The last time that I weighed myself mid-day (on my home scale) I was about 3 lbs heavier than I was the following morning, so applying that same logic 'work weight' could really be 168lbs, which would be a 10 lb lost in 3 weeks (nothing to be ashamed of) and about on par with what I thought I had lost (lower 170s home weight to current lowe 160's home weight). I don't know, I'm just trying to make sense of it all.

Anywho...that's today.


sweetnes said...

I know how frustrating that scale can be. People always say to weigh yourself once a week at the same time and that can give you an accurate reading. I have trouble doing that myself. I'm sure you'll get a handle on it soon.

BTW I'm sweetnes from NP and my fitness blog is here (

ThummyB said...

Thanks sweetness. I honestly never owned a scale before now for this exact reason. Sometimes even when you look and feel great...that # can be a downer. Oh well...tomorrow will be a better day.

BTW - I've checked out your blog before, and it looks awesome. I love the title ;-)