Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hopped on the scale this morning...163lbs. Eh, not bad. I dropped down to 153lbs after much fasting and exercising, but I wanted to hang out around 160lbs. That's a nice weight where my stomach is flat, I don't have to starve myself, and my ribs aren't poking through. Since I have been off of the biggest loser campaign, I have been eating poorly (at first) and now eating normally (healthy most of the time w/a few indulgences). I've been back on my yoga 3x a week for the past 3 weeks, and I am planning to get back into the pool this weekend. I know, I know, I have totally been putting it off. However, this weekend there should be no excuses. I have my schedule all planned out to allow for an hour swim first thing Sat and Sun morning. Once I get my cardio back into the mix, then I think I'll drop back down to my happy weight of 160lbs. If I can stay disciplined and maintain my normal/healthy eating, then I think that I can stay at this weight long-term. Yay me!


T said...

Did you see my facebook status yesterday. I hadn't been to the gym since Operation Desert Storm. I was sluggish and unmotivated and unmotivation breeds unmotivation, so I just forced myself to go. I had to leave early to be at home for Peapod, but it was an awesome awesome workout.

I'm so happy to be back in the routine and I swear my stomach looked flatter this morning. :)

We have to make sure we keep it right and tight for Operation Wedded Bliss (i.e. R&P's nuptials).

ThummyB said...

LOL - I love the names that you come up with for all of your trips. Yeah, it is soooo hard to start back working out after a hiatus. You just have to push yourself to do it, and once the routine gets going again, then it is easier. I'm glad that you had a good workout. Definitely want it to be tight for Operation Wedded Bliss.