Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Taking time out for yourself...do you do it? I mean life is just soooo hectic that even when you are running your own errands, you still aren't really taking time just for YOU.

Here's what I mean...on Sunday I went to Church (now I do consider that to be 'Me' time), then I went to Blockbuster, Walgreens, Radio Shack, and Ikea. Of course, these were all of my errands, but only one was really meant to nurture, calm, and strengthen my Self. I find that this is how most of my days go. I work, run errands, complete tasks, etc, but at the end of the day there isn't much that I can say that I did to truly take care of Me. I know that some of you must feel the same way when you think about it (even if you're too tough to really admit it).

So I'm on a mission to really work on and care for Me. Ok, so I've said that, but what does it mean.

1.Well I've been doing yoga in the AM before I head to work. This is kind of a catch 22 b/c it does get my day off to a good start, but it also cuts into my sleep, which I consider to be Very Important Me time. However, I like it, so I think I'll keep it in the routine. What else...?

2. Well I talked about taking more advantage of my weekends. I think this is really a balance. Sometime laying on the couch and flipping through the channels is just what I need to recuperate. However, when I have the energy, then I definitely want to spend time walking, reading, and meditating at the lake front.

3. The thing that I am most looking forward to is the bi-weekly pamper sessions that I am going to begin. As some of you know, I rarely pay to get my nails professionally manicured/pedicured and I never get facial treatments. While my bank account is thanking me for this, my nails and face are punishing me. So I am on a mission to find a few 'at home' routines that will get the job done. According to this month's Shape Magazine you can perform many of the same treatments at home for up to a year for the same price as one treatment at a spa. Sounds good to me. Here are some tricks that you can try at home too.

4. Now what is going to benefit me most (and prob should be at the top of my list). Is increasing the amount of time that I spend praying and reading my Bible. Currently I pray about 3 times a day. However its usually on the run (when I get into the car in the morning and evening), or when I'm not 100% focused (before I fall asleep at night). Where I want to get to is an additional period of quiet Bible reading, reflection and prayer. I'm not going to say that it will be every night b/c my mind is a bit too scattered for that. However, I do want to incorporate it with a focus similar to my exercise habits (meaning not purely at my convenience). I need to come up with a schedule and commit to it. Maybe I will commit to my 5:30 wake ups and do yoga 3 mornings of the week and read the Bible and pray the other 2 mornings of the week. I'll give it a shot this week and let you know how it goes.

Anyway, are you taking time to honor and care for yourself? If not, then you should be. Think about the areas that you have been neglecting yourself. What do you want to focus on and try to incorporate? Try committing to these things for 3 weeks. If they don't work, then try something different. However, make a diligent effort to focusing on you, and I think that you'll find that you like the changes you see/feel.

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