Thursday, May 29, 2008

If you could stay any age forever, what age would you choose? This is the discussion that my co-workers and I had today.

Honestly, 21 (my senior year in college) was a great year. This is probably the only year (as of right now) that I could relive again and again and again. Now that isn't to say that things aren't great now b/c they most definitely are. However, I just feel like the future has some great things to hold, and I just don't want to stop here.

How about you there any age that you could just stay forever?


T said...

I actually wouldn't stay at any age over and over again. The good times were good, but the bad (naive) times of each phase were just that, so I look forward to the growth that each year brings.

Now if I could pick a shorter time to replay, I'd pick one of my vacations. I could do the Bahamas, Phoenix or Hawaii over and over again, non-stop. :)

antithesis said...

when i saw this question, i thought of the movie groundhog day. i'm sort of with T, i dont want to stay any one age. im also with you on 21. im 21 now and i love it. but there are certain things that i dont plan to do until a certain age. i dont want to get married (if i am going to get married) until after 25. and i dont want to have kids until im married. so if i stayed 21, i could do none of that. i guess i could stay 26 or 27 but then id have kids that would never grow up or kids that were older than me and that would be weird. im confusing myself so ill stop here....

Nerd Girl said...

31. That was the year that I gave birth to our daughter. Our marriage was good (still is), my job was great - life was just idyllic. I felt pretty darn invincible.

Kismet Nuñez said...

25 was a pretty good year. Old enuf to drink and vote and old enuf to know better but not SO old that you don't enjoy the naughty when you do....

plus you have very low car insurance.