Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ok, so my new routine is underway and not too bad.

I've been getting up at 6 on Mon and Wed to read the Bible and pray. I own the NIV Student Bible (found here), which has several different reading tracks (2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 years). I decided to start at the beginning and just work my way through the three year track. Since I am planning to make this an on-going practice, then I figured I'd go for the full she-bang. Genesis has been pretty good so far. Of course you know the story, but it is nice to read the intros at the beginning of the chapters, as well as the items to note/consider, which are throughout the chapter. The biggest challenge has been not falling asleep during my quiet prayer. I'm so tired at 6 am, that its tough.

I get up at 5:30 on Tues, Thurs and 6:00 on Fri to do yoga. This has been really nice. Of course, I am tired at 5:30, but I'm usually alright once I am up and moving around. Mostly I feel good about myself for the rest of the day. I think the body is looking right, so I am on track to rock out in my bikini in July.

**Sidenote** That's all well and good, but I wish I could find more time in my day. It is not easy to get up early every morning, but its the best way to ensure that I get my Me things done. I really don't see my schedule opening up anytime in the future, either. Le sigh.

Next Friday night pamper session. I'm off to research my options!


T said...

Oooh. I didn't know you were blogging so much. Exciting!

For the prayer piece, I keep a prayer journal. It's hard[er] to fall asleep when you're writing, so that helps me to stay awake when I pray (if I'm tired).

ThummyB said...

Good idea. I bought a nice journal to take notes in Church, but since I was never going back and reading them later, then I stopped taking it. I think I'll write down whatever I feel that I have learned from the reading.