Saturday, May 24, 2008

More on fiscal responsibility (or irresponsibility, in my case), shopping and weight loss.

So I just did $350 (post tax) worth of damage in Macy's. Now to my credit all of my items added up to over $630 (pre-tax) full price, so I did a great job at leveraging coupons and sales. Plus I may take a $40 pair of shoes back bringing me back down to $300. However, clearly this is waaaaayy more than I wanted to spend. I kinda tend to do more at Macy's than normal b/c I have a $100 monthly allowance there, and its a charge card (clearly easier to run the balance up than normal). However, I'd ordinarily like to keep it to $200 or less. BUT BUT BUT here is the thing...I NEEEEEED these things.

So I ended up getting 2 dresses, 1 pair of slacks, 1 pair of capris, 2 work tops, 2 summer tops, and 1 pair of gold sandals (prob going back). Now since I have lost weight few items in my closet really fit. Most of my clothes are still a size 14 or large. I just can't fit that anymore. Currently I am a 8 or S-M in tops and dresses and a 12 or L in pants and skirts. I have been recycling the same 5 or 6 outfits for the last several months, however, those are mostly winter items that are no longer cutting it now that the weather is warming. As a result, then when I find a decent item that really fits well...I feel like I should get it. I guess I'm just going to have to discipline myself to stay out of the stores for the next several months. I feel as though I got some good items to really enhance my wardrobe, so that's going to have to be it.

Now, let's also say that I can't gain not ONE POUND. The items that I bought fit PERFECTLY, so I'm giong to need to stay in the same size or smaller (only slightly) for these clothes to be long term items. Guess I'll be getting up and hitting the gym tomorrow :-)

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