Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barack Obama/Joe Biden...that's how the ballot read.

I went out and early voted this weekend, and I must admit...I was one of those ppl who welled up just a bit when I checked the box for the 1st Black Presidential Nominee. There was no real pomp and circumstance on the actual ballot...just a simple 'Obama/Biden'. However, I felt that I was performing one of the most important tasks in my life. I just feel so proud, and I can't explain it. I'm not his mom, nor his campaign manager, nor his wife. Certainly his success is not attributed to me. Yet, I am so proud to see him representing you and me with such grace and poise. I am excited, hopeful, and motivated for the next 8 years in this country's history. I can't wait for Nov 4th!!!! I am truly truly praying that his presidency is ground breaking, transformational, successful, and the start of a new direction for our nation.

If you haven't voted yet, then remember to cast your ballot by Tuesday, Nov 4th. If you've never believed in the political process, then this is the time to give it a try. Never before has there been so much promise for a presidency. Get involved! Make your voice heard! Something tells me that you will not regret this decision.

Go Obama/Biden 2008!!


T said...

Man, I well up with tears every time I talk about it. Everytime I hear an older person talking about the poll tax, or voter disenfranchisement, every time I watch a historical movie depicting how just 40 years ago African Americans had a hard time registering to vote, voting and staying alive after voting, let alone running to be president.

God is good and this country is great.

I cannot wait until November 4th. I might catch the spirit in the polling box and I won't be trying to sit it down or shut it up so the preacher can preach either. I'm going to just let loose.


ThummyB said...

Well go on and get your jog on, church lady. As much hustling as you have been doing for the campaign, you deserve to run up and down the aisles!