Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Goals Update!!

Just a quick update on how I've been doing on reaching my professional goals. Last week was quite a busy week for me, which was a good thing. Even though I was completely exhausted by Friday night...I was pleased to see that I am making headway in achieving the goals that I have set for myself.

On the prof. networking side, I've been actively attending NABA events. I participated in a resume critique workshop for our student chapters, a membership reception, and last week I went to a wine tasting. All were good events, and I am getting to know some of the 'regulars'. It was a bit uncomfortable at 1st b/c I didn't really know anyone...and it seemed like everyone else knew one another. However, I'm slowly but surely easing into the social circle. I am also now on the PR committee. Basically, I help update our website, which has a user-friendly GUI. However, I am also coming with ideas on how to enhance and revamp the website so that it is more useful to our members. I'll probably even tap Tea for some advice on how to send out press releases regarding our larger scale activities (community service, student relations, etc).

On the work side...there are two sides to this coin. On the one hand, I am making a lot of headway as the co-chair of our affinity group. We've been regularly sending out good communications to our members, so our name is getting out there. I've gotten ppl to volunteer for several of our firms initiatives with a local inner city high school, which means a great great deal to me (There are so few Black ppl at the firm that I really feel that our presence is invaluable in efforts to re-direct the lives/futures of Black children). We sent out welcome and congratulations packets to all of our new hires and promotees. Most important I hosted our 1st general meeting. There were about 25 attendees which made for an active discussion and an enjoyable happy hour. We weren't able to stay on the agenda, BUT the meeting had lots of interaction and great talking points. One thing that I need to continue to work on is making myself (and my co-chair) more visible to the office leadership. This is a great stepping stone, so ppl need to see our success.

On the other hand, things have been rough for folks in my actual practice. Several ppl were laid off last week, which wasn't an easy thing to deal handle. Thank God, I wasn't one of those ppl. However, I am still struggling with how to really distinguish myself as an invaluable member of the practice. I don't really have a particular area of expertise, which worries me. I think about this all the time, and I'm really hoping to come up with a clear strategy sooner rather than later. I am having dinner with a partner tomorrow night to discuss exactly this issue. Hopefully I will come away with an action plan in place.

So overall...not so bad. I think that I am on-track to advance my career, but I just need to find away to place myself in the 'fast lane'. In this economy...just 'on-track' isn't good enough.

How are things going for everyone else?

What do you do to stay relevant at your job?


Anonymous said...

reworking our website too

ThummyB said...

We're, but we still have a lot of work to do. I don't think that the existing format is very useful at all, so I have a list of things that we can change.

T said...

That photo is killing me. Hilarious! Of course, I got you on the PR piece and congrats on getting so involved and moving towards your professional and extracurricular goals.

Someone just asked me about the PRSA board yesterday... um after this election is over I'm taking a serious break from extra stuff. Maybe in 2009.