Friday, June 20, 2008

I feel restless today. I don't know what it is, but I just don't want to sit still. It's like I have nervous energy that I just can't burn off. I swam for 45 mins this morning, but to no avail. If I don't chill out by later tonight, then I'll have to resort to my sure ;-)

However, while I'm posting...I just started thinking about travel. This year I got to visit Rome and Florence, which were wonderful cities. It was my 1st time going overseas, and though it was sometimes scary, it was a great trip and a great experience. There are so many more places that I want to see...places that I haven't even thought of yet. For instance, I just learned this morning that there is a place called the Amalfi Coast. Check it out. Before today, I thought that Amalfi was just a hotel in downtown Chicago. Who knew? Also, in the last year I have had 3 co-workers visit Bora Bora on their honeymoon, and other friends who have been to Dubai, The French Riviera, and half of the rest of the globe. I am hearing and learning about awesome places everyday.

I definitely want to get to see all of these places that I read about or see in other people's pictures, but I guess that sometimes I just wonder if it is really going to happen. I'm trying to be strategic about saving and making my dreams a reality, but you just never know. Maybe that is why I am feeling so anxious today. There are so many things that I want to do and accomplish in life. I guess that traveling is just one of those things. Sometimes I just feel so unsure of the future. Will my dreams really come true, or will I just look back 20, 30, 40+ years from now at all of the things that I wish I had done and all of the places that I wish I had visited? I don't know.

Anywho, I try to just hold on to my faith and believe that the rest of my life will be filled with happiness and accomplishments. My faith actually is my secret weapon, and it keeps me positive and excited for the future most of the time. Does anybody else ever feel like this, or are hormones just getting the best of me today?

1 comment:

T said...

There's no way you can look back and not have at least done 5-10 more trips. For real!

Also, add Bali to your list. A co-worker said the entire island is about mind-body-and-spirit wholeness. She said if someone asks you where you're going and you say you don't know, they'll be confused, because they're so focused.

**singing** I'M FOCUSED MAYNE.

Sorry, I'm silly today. Anyway, that's on my list. It's uber expensive though, so that's way off.

A co-worker also visited the Amalfi coast. I hadn't heard of it before she went though.

On my list are Australia, South Africa, all over Europe, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. (in no particular order). Oh yeah, gotta get back to Spain and Trinidad & Tobago have to fall in there somewhere. I'm also trying to get to every state in the US, just on GP.

Great topic!