Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick workouts for those who have no time...Tea, this is for you.

So there was definitely a time in my life where I simply could not find the time for a full hour work out. As a matter of fact, I find myself facing this time every fall when I begin working busy season hours. No way am I heading to work by 6:30 am, not returning until 8:30 pm (on an early night), and then exercising for an hour. Sorry. Nope. No way. Not gonna happen. However, what I have been able to convince myself to do were just a few quick exercises that would only take up about 15 - 30 mins. Sometimes I would do total body exercises (like a cardio dvd or dancing to my iPod). However, other times, I just focused on a particular part of my body (abs, legs, arms) and did a few select exercises to tone those areas. The workouts that I found in Shape, Self, and Essence (back in the day) magazines gave me great ideas. Here are a few that I think are really easy to incorporate in your life. All images and poses are from Self.com. Also, I would recommend substituting soup cans, jars of pasta sauce, or water bottles if you don't have weights.


Modified Jackknife

(works your obliques) Lie on your left side, left leg extended, left knee soft, right knee bent, foot on the floor behind left knee. Extend left arm on floor, bend right elbow and place hand behind head. Crunch up to the side, lifting right shoulder toward right hip. Lower almost to starting position and repeat. Complete both sets; switch sides and repeat.

Side-to-Side Crunch

(works your upper rectus abdominis and obliques) Lie back, knees bent 90 degrees, feet 2 feet apart; place right hand on stomach and rest left arm by sidLift shoulders several inches off the floor and reach left hand toward right knee. Lower almost to start and repeat on opposite side, placing left hand on stomach and reaching right hand toward left knee (that's one rep).

Ball Reach

(works your lower rectus abdominis) Lie back, holding a ball (any kind will do) in both hands, arms raised toward the ceiling, legs extended, feet flexed. Contract abs and butt and lift shoulder blades a few inches off the floor. Aim to lift the ball straight up toward the ceiling rather than forward. Lower until shoulders are about an inch from the floor and repeat.

Standing Lower-Ab Curl

(works your lower rectus abdominis) Stand with your back to a wall, feet about a foot away from it, knees soft. Keeping feet in place, lean against the wall and rest hands on it by your sides. Contract your abs and bend and lift right knee as you raise shoulders a few inches off the wall and curl down toward your knee. Immediately repeat with left knee, keeping your shoulders lifted off the wall the entire time.


Pilates Leg Pull Front

(gluteus maximus) Assume a raised push-up position, hands shoulder width apart, fingers pointing forwarKeeping your body in a straight line, inhale, contract your butt and hamstrings and raise your right leg several inches (foot flexed). Exhale and roll back slightly onto your supporting left foot; point the toes of your raised right foot and hold this position. Inhale and roll forward on your left foot; flex your raised foot. Exhale; lower your foot back to the floor. Switch sides and repeat. Work up to five lifts on each side.

Yoga Postures

(gluteus maximus) Fierce Posture: Stand with your feet together, hands at your sides. Sit back into a squat; bring your palms together over your head. Look up at your hands and hold for five slow breaths. Stand up and repeat once.

Skating/Skiing Squat

(gluteus maximus) Step 1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart; rest your hands behind your back and bend your knees slightly. Lift your right leg out to the side. Lower your left leg as far as you can into a squat position (don't allow your knee to extend past your toes); hold for two counts and return to starting position. Repeat on opposite side, building up to 12 reps on each side. (This is an advanced move.)

Jazz Lunge

(gluteus maximus, medius and minimus) Stand holding three- to five-pound weights in each hand at shoulder level. Place your right leg about three feet in front of your left leg; lift your left heel.Lower into a lunge (right knee should not go beyond toe), pushing your right hip out. Hold for two counts; return to starting position. Do three sets of eight lunges on each side, switching legs with each set.


Wide-stance push-up

(works your triceps, deltoids, pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi) Start in a raised push-up position, placing feet and hands about 2 feet apart. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the ground (don't allow hips to drop toward the floor); press back to starting position and repeat.

Modified handstand

(works your entire upper body) Stand with heels against a wall, feet hip-width apart. Bend over and place hands on the floor shoulder-width apart so body forms an upside-down V (beginners may enlist a friend to spot). Hold for 5 breaths and return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Combo chest/back fly

(works your pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi) Lie back, holding a dumbbell in each hand, knees bent, feet hip-width apart. Extend arms out at shoulder as shown.
Lift weights so they meet directly over chest. Keeping hands together, lower weights over head until they almost touch the floor. Return to start and repeat.

Rear raise

(works your triceps and deltoids) Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended by sides, palms facing thighs.

Slowly lift arms straight back as far as you can, squeezing shoulder blades together as you lift and keeping shoulders pressed down. Lower the weights back to starting position and repeat.

1 comment:

T said...

Thank ya, thank ya!

AND LMAO at Essence not having any good workout tips anymore. Bustas!