Friday, June 20, 2008

New topic **I told ya I have a lot of energy today**

First This: Jamie Lynn Spears gives birth at 17 yrs old.

Then This: Local high school girls make pregnancy pact.

What is really going on with our kids? Is it that young girls are in such need for love and affection that they look to sex and their babies as examples of unconditional love? Is it that our society has too greatly normalized teen pregnancy, such that it is no-longer taboo. I don't know, but this is certainly a problem.

What do you think?


T said...

You're absolutely right about the lack of love, but I think it's just a general misunderstanding of what a baby is.

Besides cute and cuddly, it's also whiny, stinky, sometimes wrinkled, FOREVER, painful to come out, a social life deterrent and most importantly, one of the biggest expeditures you'll ever have.

Also, your kids don't HAVE to love you just because you brought them into the world. Plenty of people hate their parents, so getting a baby to get love is the absolute wrong thing to do.

What probably happened is their parents told them they couldn't afford a dog, so these dummies decided they could just get pregnant (nevermind the STD risk) and then they could "play with the baby" all the time.

I'm having flashbacks to Claudine when she beat the living daylights out of her daughter for getting pregnant in rough economic times. I'm not saying that's what I would do, given this situation...

I'm just sayin' that's the first image that popped in my mind.

ThummyB said...

Co-sign on not really knowing what a baby truly is. They see their friends at school w/the baby when it is asleep or content, but they miss the long nights where it's crying and never-ending expenditures.

There is a new show coming on WeTV where teens have to take care of babies for a week or something...I wouldn't leave my kid w/a teenager, but at least they are getting to see what it is really like.

We need to make our teenagers have mandatory baby-sitting jobs and/or community service at a nursery. Anything to save them from this foolishness.