Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sooooo...I MADE myself go to the gym and swim this morning, and I am planning the same agenda for tomorrow. I don't know what my problem has been lately, but I have been eating, eating, eating, and eating. It is just so frustrating that even when I know how to eat right, I am still tempted to make the wrong choices. I seriously see why severely overweight people talk about food addictions. It's like CRACK! Seriously, it's scary.

Anyway, my workouts are my only saving grace. The routine this week has been the following:
Mon - Yoga
Wed - Yoga
Thurs - Swim
Fri - Swim
Sat - Yoga

I am completely exhausted and in need of a nap right now, but exercising is the LEAST that I can do. I'll update you next week on whether or not I am sticking with the routine., bikini body in 3 weeks.

Also - as a goals update...This morning I participated in a planning call for an upcoming diversity golf outing. We'll be inviting a lot of company executives to the event, so it should give me more exposure within the firm. AND I am attending a NABA Scholarship Lunch today. At 1st I wasn't going to go b/c the tickets were $60. However, I guess they had 10 left, which they decided to simply give away, and I scored one. Sweet. I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work L! Show that slacker friend of your's how its done. LOL.

ThummyB said...

LOL! B.S. you are a mess.

Thanks again for the support.

T said...

@ blk_sun

Boo! You try working seven days a week and swimming every morning!!!

P.S. Thanks for linking folks to my site. You love me, you know it.