Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ok...back to serious stuff.

So when I woke up this morning, then 1st news story that I heard was about a teenager killed by a car that crashed into his bedroom in the early hours of the morning. This story really stopped me in my tracks. I hear one sad/tragic story after another everyday, but for some reason this one really got to me.

Tomorrow is not promised. I hear older people say this all the time, and while I have tried to live my life fully, this reality hadn't really sunk in with me. Sure I am grateful for every morning that I awake, but I hadn't really spent anytime thinking about just how precious life is. This child was just starting his life, and it was stolen from him while he slept.

Now, I'm not saying that you or I should live our lives in fear of it being snatched away. However, I am encouraging us all to really take advantage of the time that we have. Reach for your goals! Take time for yourself and those that you love! Make the most of your life! Tomorrow really is not promised, and there is no time for regrets. A speaker that I recently heard said something along the lines of "There are no test runs in life." This is your only chance. Don't waste it!

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