Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Do you have a purpose in life?

This is one of those deep philosophical questions that some people spend their entire lives trying to find the answer to. At the same time, there are other people who know their purpose very early on and spend the rest of their lives working towards it.

I can't say that I feel that I have a particular calling or distinct least not one that I have discovered. Things like giving back to my community and being a good Christian are high on my priority list, so I guess that the activities involved with those two goals are how I feel that I am making my mark on this earth. However, what I ultimately believe is that everything happens for a reason, and everything we do has a purpose. I like to think that all of the things (good and bad) that happen to me in life are for a reason and fit into some greater plan of good.

At the end of the day I don't really need to be famous or immortalized or talked about for decades to come. I will feel pleased if I am successful at maintaining and building upon my strong relationship with God, honoring myself (mentally, physically, and spiritually), being a good person (daughter, friend, employee, maybe wife/mother), giving something back to both those who've helped me along the way and those who do not know how to help themselves, and truly appreciating and enjoying the journey. If I am lucky enough to say that I accomplished those things, then I can say that I fulfilled my purpose in life. Luckily that list doesn't actually look too long or difficult ;-)

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