Thursday, July 31, 2008

Uber-fast Update!

(How do you like the new title? I'm trying to find another 'U' word to match update...ya 'Tip Tuesday', I have 'Uber-fast Updates' :-). I am accepting other suggestions, though.)

After two 5:30 am swims in a row, I am VERY tired, but also very excited. I LOVE when I am in a nice workout groove. It can be so hard to maintain, but I feel great about myself. I did yoga on Monday morning, swam Wednesday and today, and I am planning for yoga again tomorrow morning. My plan is to get in one final yoga workout for the week on Saturday, but if the weather is nice, then I might walk along the lake instead.

This week I was trying to workout every morning so that I wouldn't have to workout at all on the weekend. However, Monday was a long night, so I slept late (6 am ) on Tuesday. That just seems to be the way that it goes...something always pops up. I'll try again next week.

Lastly, I know you all are wondering what happened to my bike. Ok maybe this question hasn't been plaguing you relentlessly for the last several months, but here is the status. I got the seat lowered so that I can ride it comfortably...BUT the tires are somehow flat. I don't know how the hell it happened, but I sat on the thing and the tires were completely flat to the ground. I have a pump, and both my dad and I tried to re-fill the tires...BUT we don't know how to use the pump. It's weird...a little button on the top of the pump pops up and lets the air escape. So where am I now? I have to take the tire off and take both the tire and the pump into a bike store for a demo. So sad. I'm going to try to put that on this weekend's priority list.

(That update wasn't uber-fast at all.)

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