Monday, July 14, 2008

I don't usually do politics on this blog but...


I really don't know which I hate more...the fact that this drawing was created and published or the fact that some idiots in this nation will be swayed by it. I mean really, I thought that we had squashed this non-sense. Here is a quick rundown of why the New Yorker is getting a serious cuss out in my head right now...

1. After the Trinity United Church of CHRIST scandal how can we possibly still be accusing Obama of being Muslim?

2. Being Muslim does not equate to being a terrorist.

3. Refusing to bend over and kiss America's ass does not equate to being un-patriotic, hating the nation, or disrespecting the flag.

4. Michelle Obama doesn't even have natural hair. Clearly this is how they will always see us. AND AND AND natural hair isn't a freakin' insult.

5. They totally stepped on my favorite shot of 'Team Barack and Michelle Obama'...the fist pound.

6. Most importantly...people in this nation are tooo STUPID and PREJUDICED to realize that electing a Black president is one of the best things that this nation can do for its global image. Barack Obama is the best (most non-threatening...unless of course you're looking for a Clarence Thomas) Black man for the job. It's time to take our heads out of our asses and realize that "Hey, the rest of the world (even our allies) don't think that we're big shit. Most of them despise our ignorance and arrogance. If we don't fall back, take a serious look at who we are and what we stand for, and stop trying to pimp the rest of the world for our own advancement, then we're going to end up broken and ruined like so many nations before us." Obama may not be the answer to all of our problems, but as long as we stay locked in this short-sighted, race-based, change adverse, the rest of the world owes us mindset, then our sustainability as a nation is limited.



Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I could not have said it any better my self.

T said...


I'm so glad you wrote about this because now I don't have to. Per my fb status, it seems that EVERYONE is outraged by the cover except the New Yorker staff. And I could bet a good amount of money that the mouthpiece for the New Yorker is "saying" one thing, but many of their employees are probably feeling like the rest of the country... that the cover is some bullshit.

The crazy thing is that the cover is supposed to be an outlandish depiction of the unfounded biases people have against the Obamas. It is, however, why don't they clarify it. Like some commentators have noted, it's not funny, not even a little bit funny. I believe the Obama campaign said "We didn't chuckle at all."

And who or what's off limits? Would their ever be a picture of George & Laura like this, of Cindy and John. I doubt it. I'm so pissed I could scream. I just hope they can explain this ish to Sasha and Malia better than the New Yorker can explain it to the American public.

I really think they're going to have to sit the girls down, look them in the eye and say...

"Daddy is running for President and so people attack mommy and daddy all the time. You're getting older now, so we're going to give it to you straight...this is some bullshit... straight gah-bage"

Excuse me, while I go donate to the campaign.