Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Suuuuuuper quick updates...

So today I'm rocking a black and white dress w/sexy red patent leather pumps. The hair is braided back and swooped to the side, and I am looking like a model. Why you ask? Because I was born this way? Well that's only partially correct. The bigger reason is that I'm going to be in a photo shoot today! Many of you know that I participated in a mentorship program this year, and the firm is going to be taking photos of the mentors to document the program. I don't know if I'll end up on some sort of company-wide brochure or anything, but I am certainly prepared.

Yesterday I got to visit a Hindu temple. My co-worker invited me, and it was very cool. She took me around to all of the statutes of the deities and explained their purpose. Then she took a moment for quiet reflection/prayer at each one, while I browsed. It was a beautiful space, and I learned a lot. I definitely encourage you to learn about other religions. It's not a matter of weakening in your own faith, but rather gaining a respect for someone else's. I may not be a convert, but I am always glad to see someone else enjoy a relationship with a higher power, which gives them a sense of right/wrong/hope/love/justice/faith.

Lastly, I am off to the Bahamas tomorrow. I have done my very best at hanging w/the workout plan. I got a work out in everyday w/the exception of Friday and Sunday. The diet wasn't great, but I think that the body is looking JUST RIGHT. Pics to come! Overall, I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a relaxing and memorable weekend. I'll blog more when I return.


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