Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm baaaaaaaack! Here are a few more quick updates.

On the professional development front, I have been talked into signing up for Toast Masters. If you aren't familiar with the organization, then the general gist is that they are a group of people geared towards increasing their public speaking capabilities. You sign up with a group of people and are required to make 12 speeches over a one or two year time period. You present in front of others in the group and they provide feedback on your speech. After you have completed your 12 speeches, then you are Toast Master certified, and hopefully a better speaker. Now I didn't really want to sign up b/c I tend to think that I am already a very good public speaker. However, practice never hurt anyone, and its been a while since I spoke in front of a group of complete strangers. I don't want to lose my touch ;-) I think that one of my speeches will be about blogging.

On a different 1st event as co-chair of the African American Affinity Group has been canceled :-( Our sponsor gave us the thumbs down, which sucks. I guess it is back to the drawing board. Maybe we can do a 'Lunch and Learn' instead. We could ask a black partner to come and share his/her experiences on progressing through the firm. Hmmm...we shall see.

As for taking time for Me...I didn't get to go to the spa this weekend. My schedule just filled up, and I wanted to spend time with friends b4 the weekend was over. However, I am determined to make an appointment for a facial this weekend. As soon as the spas open, I am calling and booking.

Pics and more updates to come later.

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